I had three appointments today, one with a nurse, one with a doctor and one with my consultant (the guy who sorts my belly out).
The first one with my nurse went very well. Boom. (1/3)
The second one with my doctor also went well. (2/3)
The third one, which is I suppose is the most important also went swimmingly. (3/3)
Except for during the last one, my consultant recommended that I visit a specialist for the problem I am currently seeing my doctor for, just to be on the safe side. That's all good, right? Well, apparently not. For some reason I left the room at the end of my appointment, walked out of the hospital and burst into tears. The sheer thought of going to see yet another doctor for some reason, at that moment, just seemed way too much.
The truth is, it all gets a bit much sometimes. And that is okay. I sat there for a few minutes with my mum, got pissed off, cried it out and then I was okay. I reminded myself that for the most part I am lucky. At least I physically managed to make it to three appointments today. I managed to get in and out of London feeling okay. Hell, I've been to Amsterdam and back this month. I got my grades back from my first year of uni today and found I got a 2:1. Most things are going pretty damn well and this is just a bump in the road.
It's not always bad, but it's okay to be sad when it is. Remember that.